Katy's & Justin's Adventures

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Seattle - Experience Music Project & Curiosity shop

ode to jimi and kurt....

2 storey guitar sculpture

nirvanas instruments all battered and bashed after a concert

2 headed calves (from curiosty museum)

a real mermaid!!!! back in the day.... do you believe???

Seattle - Pike Place Market

me with rachael the golden pig - she is a money box...probably quite rich too i would think

the original starbucks - opened 1971 - not long for world domination really

christmas rachaels.... ho ho ho

Seattle Space Needle

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Atomium (165 billion x an atom)

(in our favourite restaurant)

Grand Place

Delerium (2004 beers to choose from)

Windsor Castle

Sunday, June 03, 2007


foot tunnel to docklands

RIP: Cutty Sark

Ems WIG party

Monday, April 09, 2007

Beautiful Brighton

On Easter Monday - We went down to Brighton with our friend Hannah - and had the best time - such a wonderful sunny day, and great, fun place to spend it

on the Pier

world famous beach huts...smaller than you think they are going to be...

Hannah outside the Royal Pavillion

Oxford v Cambridge Boat race

The 127th(?) Annual rowing race between Oxford and Cambridge - we were cheering for Oxford, but Cambridge won...when they came past us at Hammersmith - Oxford were leading (wearing Navy)....drank Pimms (very British) and snakebites (very Aussie).....

Moi's Hens day...

a day of pampering and drinks to celebrate Mois pending wedding....

Borough Markets

delicious food markets, under the london bridge - you totally expect to bump into Jamie Oliver

Sunday, April 08, 2007

United v Fulham - 24 Feb

Hectic Game - we won 2-1 (in the last 3 minutes). This game was at Craven Cottage - Fulham's home ground - much smaller than old trafford.

Harrods Guitar show

For all the metal heads.....
Triumph Guitar - £7000! (sold too)

Flea's bass

Tony Lommi for Black Sabbath

Inspired by Pink Floyd's Shine on...you crazy......