Katy's & Justin's Adventures

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

around London....

Some random shots from around London

Katy in Piccadilly circus

a pub on the day of England's 1st 'football' match in the world cup

Justin @ Maddam Tussauds

Justin by the houses of P, and Big B

A Pub in Brick Lane

Highlights from NYC

Some shots from when i was in NYC......
......cant wait to go back.........
ground o

my home away from home

so cute - the polar bear from central park zoo....

Times Square..

This is me @ Aidan & Steve's bar (on SATC tour)

Our House

This is our place in London (were the middle windows)
our garden???




London 7s

Sunday 4 June - London 7s at Twickenham

Monday, June 26, 2006

San Fransisco

Finally some photos to share.... These are from San Fran
Justin in Paradise.... a hat shop

At the golden gate bridge... in case you couldnt tell

our 1st photo abroad.... (just arrived)...

at the Giants base ball game