Katy's & Justin's Adventures

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006


MUSE CONCERT - Tues 21 Nov

Paris - the sights

outside at the Arc de Triomphe....worlds craziest roundabout....although you wouldn't know it from this photo....

...our favourite bridge..... that sounds weird....but it was truley beautiful in all its glory

Paris - All Blacks

...with the cup

true fans....

world famous haka

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Manchester United match - Saturday 4 November - at Old Trafford

Saturday, November 11, 2006

South Africa - The Game Reserve

Hard to say, which were my favourite animals.....

a zebra crossing.......he he

South Africa - St Francis Bay

St Francis - the small beach town where we stayed - a bit like Whanga - with a beach like the Mount. In other words - beautiful.
The middle of the town has canals - this is where we pulled up in our boat to go to a restaurant.

a shot from in the water - at my little surfer... but it also shows how all the houses in St Francis are painted white, and have either a grey slate or thatched roof.

if you look extra close - you can see where St Francis ends and the next bay begins (change in the colour of the houses)

1 wing of the house where we live - it's massive!