Katy's & Justin's Adventures

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Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas at Trafalgar Square

The sites....The Globe Theatre

In true shakespearian style......

the celing of the stage - the sun in the middle, with the signs of the zodiac painted around it....and when someone dies and goes to heaven (in a play) then the sun (trap door) opens up and the actor rises up the middle....pretty nifty huh?

The sites.....St Pauls Cathedral

These are in backwards order.... after climbing up 500+ stairs (wrought iron spiral staircase...i might add).... i got to walk around the peak of the st pauls cathedral..and this is the view from the top.....

....... out the front......

...check the difference, looking down on the clock, then onto the street...

the second level is the bigger balcony at the bottom of the dome, the top level is the much smaller circle, at the top of the dome.

The Sites....

The Tower of London

the ravens.....more to this than you think.... people believe if the ravens were to ever leave the tower, then the tower would crumble......


This is me and Sophie at the Entry to Alnwich Gardens

Alnwich castle - this is the closest we got....seeing as we drove out there, and it was closed.

FYI.... its the castle where Harry Potter was filmed...

Xmas lights - the famous and not so famous

Christmas lights - these are mostly on Regent St (in OC...Oxford Circus)

this one of course...is our lovely 3 ft tree at home.... havent done too badly with the pressies under it either huh???